Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Yesterday first graders brought home their first homework log.  All families should have received an email from me about the log. Key points:
*We (the first grade team) are doing something different this year
*We are not focused on worksheets as we may have done in the past
*Homework time is working to build fluency
*All ideas are suggestions and not mandatory
*Use this as it fits in your life for your family and your first grader
*Logs can be turned in Monday in any condition (did none, did some, did a lot)
*Email me for any clarification.

In literacy we have worked our way up to doing 4 rotations a day!  Phew!  One of those rotations is at the reading table and we are slowly beginning to try reading groups!  Reading bags will begin coming home in October (again use as you see fit).

In math we are continuing to practice counting by 5's and making tallies.  We have started to talk and learn about number sentences, with the focus being on addition sentences.  We started making some number sentences today for our cluster cards.  For example a cluster of 4 could be 3+1=4 or 2+2=4.  We will continue to practice number sentences with cuisenaire rods tomorrow.

In writing we are launching our first unit of study (in the Lucy Calkin's program) Small Moments.  Our focus is to write about something that has happened to us or that we like to do and zooming in to tell about a specific small moment in that story.  Our mentor text The Night of the Veggie Monster , tells a funny story about what happens in one zoomed in moment when a little boy is forced to eat his peas at the dinner table.  Ask your first grader what they are writing about!

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