Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Today we reviewed that q is always with u!  We know that these letters together make the /qu/ sound.  We had a new word of the day and the word was quit.  Ask your first grader if they can write it or spell it or use it in a sentence.  We have also been practicing a lot about how sentences start and end so you can hold us accountable when writing at home to have uppercase starts and punctuation marks!

In math we continued to practice making time to the hour in a variety of ways.  Look for a scoot paper coming home.  This is when I put clues around the room (today it was clocks with times to the hour displayed) and the kids have to go around and find the clocks and write the answer.  KIDS LOVE THIS FORMAT!  If you are looking for a new way to practice anything ( sight words, time, letters etc) try this hide the clue around the house and see if you can find it strategy!

I have someone donating mini muffins to our Oct. 31st special snack...please email me if you can donate a different item ( juice bags or apple cider & cups, napkins, plates, popcorn in individual baggies, apples).  Thanks!

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