Monday, January 9, 2017

We are right back in the swing of things here in room 107 in the new year!
We are learning about suffixes!  We have introduced adding s to make the word a plural like cats.  We have talked about how s can sound like /s/ or like /z/ at the end of words ( like bugs).  We will be learning to add es as a suffix this week.

Our reading groups are about to change!  Mrs. Pelletier has been busy finding instructional level benchmark books for all the kids this week and last week.  If the book your first grader brings hope in their book bag today feels like not a quite right fit ( too easy or too hard) hang in there one more week.  We are adjusting groups as all the students are progressing and learning at their own rates.  I am SO impressed by how many students are reading well beyond where they started in the year!  

In math we just finished working on number lines and empty number lines.  An empty number line is where you only fill in the numbers you need to solve a problem and you can jump beyond 1's by whatever number makes the most sense to you:  
Image result for example of an empty number line

Now we are ready to learn time to the half hour.  We already have learned telling time to the hour and today and the next few days we will work on telling time to the half hour as well.  *Please note telling time to the minute is a skill they will be introduced to second grade.
We use an ipad app called "Interactive Telling Time Lite" on the ipads to practice telling time to the hour and half past in case you want to try it at home!

In writing we are writing reviews, we are reviewing restaurants, movies, toys, games etc.  We are learning to give lots of reasons why we believe it is great!  Ask your student what review they are writing!

It is my intention to share pictures from the 12/22 Night Tree Walk through a google drive link again. If this is unable to work for you email me and I will send you a handful of pictures for your student.

Today we finished our book Matilda !  We will be starting a new chapter in awhile.  We will be taking a break to learn about MLK and then read some fairytales!

Please continue to send in warm/snow gear.  Days where it is 15 degrees or warmer we will go out!

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